Chocolate is the world’s most consumed sweet potato. Annual chocolate consumption is estimated at 7.2 million tonnes. Sales of the Mars brand reach around USD 17 billion each year, Hershey’s sales reach USD 3.7 billion and M&M’s sales reach over USD 600 million.
70% of the chocolate consumed in the world comes from West Africa. Europeans buy 50% of the world’s cocoa while the Oceania/Asia market represents 15% of world consumption (Sources :
In 2019, Canadian households spent an average of $88 on chocolate bars, $73 for Quebec households, while Newfoundland and Labrador spent $122 per household. (Sources : Statistiques Canada).
Increasingly refined tastes in Quebec
Previously, Quebecers liked milk chocolate more, dark chocolate, less caloric and with a high cocoa content, is quietly taking its place. The "bean to tablet" approach is becoming more and more popular. A trend that reflects the desire to eat better. Quebeckers are willing to pay more for higher-quality sweets.

After talking a lot about cocoa and its benefits, the thousand and one ways to consume cocoa beans. Today, MATANA offers you this recipe of homemade chocolate bar.
Ingredients to make your own chocolate bar
200g of cocoa beans
10g of water
180g of cocoa butter
10g of crystal cocoa butter
Powdered milk if you want to make milk chocolate
Hints and tips
The quality of your chocolate bar depends on the quality of the cocoa beans.
Good cocoa beans in Quebec and Canada
MATANA offers, in Quebec and across Canada, Madagascar cocoa in its pure state, 100% natural and authentic. The product is available in the form of beans, nibs or powder. We also sell Malagasy brands such as the famous Chocolat Robert or Menakao in the form of tablets or cocoa covers.
Madagascar’s cocoa beans are among the most coveted in the world. They are prized by the greatest master chocolatiers. It should be noted that Madagascar cocoa is the only one to have the fine cocoa label in Africa.
Madagascar is an extraordinary land. Its island location, the diversity of its reliefs and climates are reflected in the unique intrinsic qualities of its plants. The soil of Madagascar is recognized worldwide as a sanctuary for botanists and pharmacologists. (Sources : Voany)
To learn more, read our article on the best cocoa in the world : le meilleur cacao au monde

MATANA is a Quebec company that markets products from Madagascar. Its main objective is to make Madagascar known through its endemic and exceptional products. Matana donates part of its profits to improve the living conditions of local farmers (Malagasy).
Our Malagasy suppliers are carefully selected. We work with local companies and producers who share our values: natural products, respectful of the environment and human conditions.
Cocoa feeds about 30,000 farmers in the Sambirano region. MATANA pays some of its profits to improve the living conditions of local farmers (Malagasy).
By buying our products, you support a Quebec company and Malagasy producers of these products that do you so much good.